NEXT 2012: Interview mit Jeremy Abbett

Jeremy Tai Abbett wird auf der NEXT 2012 in ein paar Monaten einen Vortrag halten. Hier könnt Ihr ihn schon mal kennenlernen. Die NEXT wird dieses Jahr am 8. und 9. Mai 2012 die Berlin Web Week beschließen in derselben Location wie die re:publica, die Hallen der Station-Berlin in der Nähe des Potsdamer Platzes:

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Jeremy Tai Abbett is an educator, strategist, interaction designer, and co-founder of Truth Dare Double Dare. Parallel to his professional work, Jeremy is a visiting lecturer at the Miami Ad School Europe, hacking soft/hardware and frequent speaker. He has spoken and given presentations at Pervasive 2010, Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg, South By Southwest (SXSW), and Typo Berlin among others.

In his former life, Jeremy founded Fork Unstable Media in 1996 (with three projects that were acquired by the Museum of Modern Art – San Francisco and a game that enraged the British Monarchy to his credit) and was an award winning creative director at several creative agencies. Currently, he resides in Hamburg, Germany with his wife and two boys.

  ist seit 1999 als Freier Autor und Freier Journalist tätig für nationale und internationale Zeitungen und Magazine, Online-Publikationen sowie Radio- und TV-Sender. (Redaktionsleiter von 2009 bis 2012)

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